rapid changes in technology over the last 75 years have created
enormous opportunities for education. While some technologies such as
the computer were adopted early on, a reluctance to embrace change
coupled with a lack of funding has resulted in a continuing dependence
on chalkboards and other anachronistic technologies. The extent to which
schools adopt new technologies, not surprisingly, often depends on how
well they’re funded. It isn’t uncommon for schools that are separated by
very little physical distance to be at opposite ends of the technology
Many folks familiar with this scenario understand the inherent lack
of fairness in the disparate funding of schools. What many people don’t
understand however is that it also threatens the uniquely American
ideals of democracy and equality. One of the bedrocks of our democracy
is the idea that we’re governed by the electoral choices of a
well-informed citizenry. Having equal access to a decent education is
the assumption that underlies this premise. But the ways in which rapid
advances in technology are adopted have both positive and negative
implications for schools and for broader society in general.
Preparing For The Workforce

of the most positive results of schools embracing new technologies is
found when low-income students gain skills they otherwise wouldn’t. The
ability to type, use email and execute basic computer functions like
Word and Excel are imperative in today’s workforce. When students who
have no access to computers at home learn these skills specifically
because of technology in the classroom, they have a far greater chance
of moving from have-nots to haves in the future. Having technological
competence gives them a better chance of success in the workforce and
gives them a greater ability and confidence to pursue online education
university options.
No Student Left Behind

classrooms adopt iPads or other tablets in lower grades amongst younger
students, the possibility that those students will be left behind in
terms of the greater society decreases dramatically. Studies have
consistently shown that new technology introduction to younger children
provides better results than when introduced at a later age. Even if
low-income students have no access to computers at home, the integration
of new technology into all aspects of school life ensures that they
have greater opportunities going forward.
Handwriting Requirements

are some arguably negative implications to the adoption of new
technologies as well. Some of the most evident for the short term
involve dropping long-standing handwriting requirements. Penmanship was
dropped from most English classes over the last twenty years and cursive
writing requirements are quickly being cut from many programs as well.
Depending on one’s perspective, not learning cursive in elementary
school may not be the end of the world academically speaking. But
advocates of teaching cursive argue that losing cursive is just one more
case of technology eroding academic rigor.
Quality of Writing

is another, lesser known, but reasonable argument against adopting
computers across all academic disciplines. Pen and paper often tend to
be more conducive to good writing than computer keyboarding. Longhand
writing is more likely to result in well-reasoned, nuanced and intricate
prose. This may arise from the fact that typing lends itself more
easily to abrupt and punchy prose. The staccato quality of typing can
work its way into writing. Stylistic arguments aside; a potentially far
more worrisome implication for the long term is the increasing
technology gap among schools.
Social Class

the only technology requirements for completing a primary education
involved paper, pencils, a slide rule and eventually calculators, the
impact technology had in widening the divide between haves and have-nots
was minimal. But the technology gap which exists in schools today also
functions as a solidifier of social class. If low-income students are
unlucky enough to attend schools which can’t fund technology purchases,
the chance that they’ll find a way out of a low income life becomes less
likely. It’s understandable that if a school can’t afford air
conditioning, they’re probably not going to view iPads as a logical
The Danger of Making Technology So Critical
The ability to use technologies such as laptops and tablet computers
allows students to acquire the same sets of core competencies they’ll
need in the workforce. Not acquiring these skill sets is more than an
inconvenience. The ability to access information and basic computer
literacy can function as a potential stepping-stone out of poverty for
many students. If a student graduates high school without at least a
rudimentary and working knowledge of new technologies, their future
starts looking a lot less bright.
And since many school districts which can’t afford to incorporate
technology into the classroom are largely found in less affluent areas,
the likelihood of upward social mobility decreases significantly and
social classes begin to look a lot more like social castes. The
technology gap runs the risk of further cementing social class. This
country has always celebrated the ability of Americans to pull
themselves up by their own bootstraps. We love it when the underdog
makes good. It’s part of our national identity to root for the little
guy. But when the little guy is deprived of what are rapidly becoming
basic tools of future economic survival, the ability for any effective
bootstrap pulling begins to disappear.
Technology’s Impact on the Future

years ago, someone without computer skills could still expect to find a
decent job which, though not providing a huge income, could still
support a family. But now, jobs that used to be considered basic blue
collar jobs require technological know-how. A car mechanic used to need
mechanical aptitude and a good set of wrenches and they were in
business. Working in customer service used to require basic telephone
skills. But increasingly, even menial entry level jobs require much more
computer literacy than what some disadvantaged students are getting in
schools. If we want to ensure that more Americans continue to get a
legitimate shot at the American Dream, we need to start a national
dialogue focused on identifying workable solutions for narrowing the
technology gap
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